Student project
Alin successfully defended his BEP
Alin successfully defended his BEP
Welcome (back) Lars Aartsen, who starts his PhD in our group.
Lars successfully defended his MEP
Christos' paper published in Nature Communications.
Welcome to Maja Napieraj, who joins our group as postdoctoral fellow.
Phuong successfully defended her MEP
Alin joins our lab for his Nanobiology BEP project
Our latest research paper is out as a pre-print on BioRxiv!
Welcome to Leanid Kresik, who starts his PhD in our group.
Phuong and Lars join our lab for their Nanobiology and Life Science and Technology (LST) MEP projects
Department of Bionanscience
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands
Copyright 2021 – Dimphna Meijer Lab