Student projects
Nynke and Amke successfully defended their BEP projects this summer
Nynke and Amke successfully defended their BEP projects this summer
Welcome to Angelica Casotto, who starts her PhD in our group.
New paper accepted in Nature Communications. Great collaboration with our colleagues at Utrecht University!
Koen and Christos' review paper is published in Current Research in Structural Biology
Martijn successfully defended his BEP project
We are part of the Integrative Neuromedicine program, that was awarded a grant of 2 million euros from Convergence Health [...]
Congratulations to Koen on winning the poster prize at the Convergence in Practice conference
Agathe and Christos presented their work at our mini-symposium How to build a synapse. Thanks to all attendees for great discussions!
Dimphna gives a short talk at the EMBO meeting Molecular Neurobiology in Crete.
Our paper is featured on the cover of EMBOJ
Department of Bionanscience
Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands
Copyright 2021 – Dimphna Meijer Lab